This first issue was published on March 5, 2013, along with the inaugural lecture of architect and art historian Cyrille Simonnet, Ph.D.
ISBN 2268-7742
64 pages
210 x 297 mm
Texts in French
600 printed units
The reinforced concrete heritage is a just small part of the built legacy, but has already a certain weight in the environmental legacy. Architecture, infrastructure, city fragments, the twentieth century has casted a huge amount of concrete, difficult to measure, but with very visible effects. The generalized phenomenon of global urbanization, and its territorial corollaries such as road, port and airport infrastructures, is its most spectacular symptom, especially if keeping in mind the idea that concrete is the most used material in the world (after water...): 25 billion tons per year. A small part, then, but invasive enough to raise the issues of its future both in patrimonial and environmental terms.
Cyril Simonnet, Ph.D is an architect and art historian. Former director of the Architecture Institute of the University of Geneva and former editor of the review Faces, he is now professor in the art history department of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Geneva. Cyrille is the author of many books and articles about the history and theory of architecture, considered as material and technical fact. His publications include The architecture or constructive fiction (Editions de La Passion, 2000) and Concrete, a history of a material (Parentheses Publishing, 2007).
- 01 - Cyrille Simonnet
- Le patrimoine sans qualité
- 02 - Tiphaine Vasse
- Mood
- 03 - Charlène Azé & Pierre Dumas
- Rotonde de la gare de triage de Badan, Grigny
- 04 - Isabelle Dumas
- Héritage
- 05 - Théo Baillet
- Vingt fois sur le métier remettez votre ouvrage
- 06 - Benoît Teissier
- Le complexe de l’héritage dans le projet architectural
- 07 - Entretien avec Luigi Snozzi. Antoine-Frédéric Nunes
- Entretien avec Luigi Snozzi. Juin 2011, Locarno, Suisse
- 08 - Armelle Le Mouëllic
- Communauté. La loggia corbuséenne, le couvent dominicain et le village japonais
- 09 - Diane Berg
- Héritage
- 10 - Jean Louis Violeau
- Dispositifs et généalogie de l’architecture du temps présent
- 11 - Christophe Dethe
- Héritage : être et avoir
- 12 - Jean Phillipe Aubanel
- 13 - Vincent Schmitt
- Héritage